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Saturday, April 24, 2004The more you ignore, the more I notice... Song of the moment: L'Arc~en~Ciel - The Fourth Avenue Cafe Kisetsu wa odayaka ni owari wo tsugeta ne Idorareta kioku ni yosete Sayonara ai wo kureta ano hito wa Kono hitomi ni yurameite ita Togirenai kimochi nante Hajime kara shinjite nakatta Utsuri yuku machinami ni tori nokosareta mama (The season quietly announced its end Drawing closer to colored memories Farewell, to the one who gave me love The image of you is flickering in my eyes Unending feelings... I'd never believed in such things And so I was left behind as the masses moved on) The Fourth Avenue Cafe by Le'Arc~en~Ciel Dedicted to my certain someone, even if we can't be together, I hope we can be friends always Today, I finished the last of my common tests for my non-examinable subjects. This essentially means that it's one week to exams, for which I have not prepared of course. All I can hope for is to pass all of them... On Thursday, I went to watch 'Dawn of The Dead' after class with SJ, Kris, Jon and Natalie. Even before the movie, during dinner, I could sense a sort of underlying tension. She clearly wasn't totally comfortable in my presence. I am really starting to get annoyed by this. She trys her very best not to speak to me unless necessary (or at least I am given this impression). If you don't like me in anyway, just say so and I'll try not to disturb you anymore. Of course, since Natalie was there and my feelings for her are clearly an open secret within our class, you have to expect 3/4 of the F4 to come out with some kind of plan to get me and her together. Their plan was to get the first 3 seats, then let me be the barrier between them and her, thus forcing her to speak to me rather than them. While we were finding our seats, she probably could sense some kind of plan and she tried to catch up with those three in front. She got in front of me and ended up in what was supposed to be my seat and I ended up sitting at hers. Despite the fact that I was sitting next to her, she rather speak to Kris than me and it ended up with Kris being 'harassed' by Natalie throughout the movie (Not that I would mind being harassed by her of course...). After the movie and on the way home (Nat took the bus, we took MRT), the group of us guys had an interesting conversation about what we would have done had we been in a life and death situation with zombies. I wouldn't want to go into the specifics but it soon turned into a conversation about Kris and Jon's sexual preferences...I don't think you would want to know what they were saying... Tuesday, April 20, 2004Sometimes, we all just need a break... Song of the moment: Come Away With Me - Norah Jones Come away with me in the night Come away with me And I will write you a song Come away with me on a bus Come away with me where they can't tempt us With their lies Come Away with Me by Norah Jones Apologies to certain people who expected me to update earlier. For the past two weeks, I have been swamped with a multitude of tests and projects. However, it will be all over, albeit temporarily until my final exams, this Thursday when I present my Semestral Project. Today, I finally completed and handed in my Digital Media Design Project (made using Photoshop, Macromedia Flash and Authorware among other things), of course with a little help from my friends (whether directly or indirectly...). I also realised today that despite Jonathan claiming he knew Authorware like the back of his hand, it seemed that he doesn't know his hand very well, if you know what I mean...(No offense, but its true Jon...) I took a peek at the projects of my fellow classmates and was surprised at a couple of very well made ones (despite the modest claims of a certain Moo...). I would also say that SJ's project is on par, if not better than mine. Still, I feel that I made a pretty good one, especially since I barely knew a thing about Authorware a couple of days ago. I also had a pleasant conversation with Serena today about doing projects with people from other classes. Although, I kind of lost my concentration towards the end of the conversation (Sorry...), I enjoyed it. Today was also one of the few times I saw Nat in glasses, she looked rather cute in them (Although I feel that she looks cute 24/7... ^_^). I am a little tired from the mental exertions from the past week so I guess I am not going to blog too much today. Hopefully, I'll blog again on Saturday after my DMD common test...wish me luck everyone! Tuesday, April 06, 2004Losing my way, on the road called the World...will you be my guiding light? Song of the moment: Kinki Kids - Hakka Candy (Theme for J-Drama "Moto Kare" (Eng title: Ex-Boyfriend)) Shizuka ni ochite kuru nami no tuzureori Nando mo nakaseta ne gomen Amedama mottenai ka na? Kore ga saigo na no Shiroi ha, shita misete warau (Silently falling the tapestry of waves For all the times I made you cry I apologize "Do you have any candy on you?" "This is my last one" You say, showing me your tongue between white teeth and laugh) Hakka Candy by Kinki Kids At this present moment, I should be doing any one of my countless projects or revising my schoolwork, instead I am blogging, complaining about my life to you all. Well, since I feel like going in chronological order today, let us start with last Sunday. Since it was the first Sunday of the month, instead of going for Youth Service, all of the youths went to the main sanctuary for Holy Communion Sunday. Not only that, it being the first Sunday of April, it was also Palm Sunday. (This is the first time I am actually blogging seriously about my religion.) Apparently, Shu Wei couldn't make it to Church because his family wanted him to go 'Shao mu' (which literally means 'sweep the tombstone', its a Chinese tradition...I am not going to elaborate further because I don't really know much about it and to think I am actually Chinese... :-P) and not suprisingly, Kenneth didn't show up again. So I was sitting with Daniel and Ming Yao throughout the service. Although their nice people, I still didn't really know them as well as I know Shu Wei and gang. Daniel, who about a month ago bought a Nokia 7250i, is still obsessed with his handphone, and Ming Ming Yao (^_^). After church, with Daniel following his parents and Ming Yao disappearing to who-knows-where, I was going solo for lunch. Me...being, well...myself, took the opportunity and used it as an excuse to ask Olivia to lunch. Unfortunately, due to certain reasons, she wasn't in much of a mood to eat. And since I didn't want to rush down to Orchard just to let her see me satisfy my hunger, I kindly accepted her refusal. Which left me going to Bishan to order take-away at a local hawker center. Sigh... Monday was kind of a "D-day" for me when it came to German class. Our class was due for an oral presentation which would be treated as our Oral exam and at the same time, we were going to take our online quiz, which to my knowledge, would make up the most of our marks for our final German results. We took the quiz first, and honestly, it didn't really go well for me and Kris. We both got 9/20 for our first try. Luckily we had a second try, which allowed us to scrape through it (11/20 for Kris and 12/20 for me). Next up was the oral presentation. Since our class had an odd number of people and the presentation was a two person act, one person from our group (Kris, Natalie and myself) had to present twice. It ended up being Kris. Nat went up before me and eased though without any problems. It also looked that way for me until Kris had the audacity to cut in before I could finish my line. Finally, we are left It was generally alright and uneventful. Had our Multimedia Computing project presentation today, me and Wee Kiat got a 7.5/10 (?) for our project. Then, we had our Macromedia Flash test today, I think I passed with a rather mediocre effort at trying to replicate the sample flash (I completely forgot how to use the motion guide). Then after that, when we were given some free time, I decided to check my 'Compatibility' with a certain female classmate using our Zodiac signs. Of course, it turned I fairly amusing and in a sense, prophetic. Me being a Leo, is not very compatible with her, a Scorpio and when I compared myself with a Libra, it turned out to be one of the best combinations (Who the Libra is I won't reveal just as yet...). Although I don't believe in astrology, its quite interesting to see that some of the results actually hit quite close to reality. As I was going home today, I observed her from behind as she walked in front of me, which kind of made me start thinking about her. Is she really worth it? I still don't know. Perhaps...time will tell. JY said to me about a week ago, that its just a matter of time before I get over her. Its all about time...which we all never have enough of... |
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